geometry ======== - coord_#.txt contains the sensors information inside bay #. The format of the data is as follows: Sn dX dY Section S Nr where - Sn: the sensor global identification number in the format bay##. Ex A31. - dX dY: the coordinates of its position (mm). Each file uses a different system of coordinates: the point (0,0) is typically assumed to be one of the sensor in the bay. A translation is necessary to convert the geometry data in these files in the same coordinates as used in file damage_locations.txt (see below). - S: the section number inside the bay. The activation and listening is done on sensors with the same section number. - Nr: the local sensors numbering inside each section. Note: Sensors identified with V## and "x x" under S and Nr columns are actually the vertex coordinates (mm) of the polygon defining each bay - damage_locations.txt contains the coordinates (mm) of damage locations with respect to sensor A31. The format is: 1st and 2nd columns X and Y coordinates, 3rd column bay in which the damage was created. Signals: ======== * T0 * Before assembly * T1 * Between assembly and fatigue testing * T2 * Between fatigue testing and impacts * T3 * After impacts Note ==== To clean the signals from the feed-through introduced by the high-voltage gated amplifier adopted in the generation of the database, it is possible to use the script ./matlab/cleanSignal.m. An example on how to use the script is inside the file.